Infinite Invention Joins Fraunhofer Plug and Play Project Team

Infinite Invention (I2) has joined the Fraunhofer Center For Sustainable Energy (CSE) Plug and Play (PnP) solar PV project team.  The PnP project, part of the DOE’s SunShot Initiative, is to develop an end-to-end system for residential solar PV that that can be installed by a (reasonably handy) homeowner using safe, plug-and-socket interconnection components.  The system also embeds intelligence and communications at the component level to ensure proper installation and a remote activation feature for relevant stakeholders to ensure safety.

I2 will leverage core functionality from our meter collar connection product, The ConnectDER, into more sophisticated applications such as a touch-safe plug connector with a power and data interface to inverter, plus a connection switch for safe activation of the system remotely.

The Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems is an applied research and development laboratory that provides R&D and related services for industry and government clients with a focus in building energy technologies, solar photovoltaics, distributed electrical energy systems, start-up assistance, and technical validation.


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