Con Edison Providing Smart ConnectDERs to Customers as New Service

Con Edison announces ConnectDER availability at stakeholder meeting in March, 2019

Following a successful pilot in Staten Island, Con Edison, the electric utility serving the greater New York City area, is scaling up deployment of Smart ConnectDERs for general use throughout its service territory.

Con Edison press release

This is a pretty huge day for us here at ConnectDER — our first general deployment of the Smart version of the product since it went into pilots a few years ago.

The Con Edison team have been a genuine pleasure to work with, from the executives thinking about how they can do better by their customers down to the staff in the meter shops installing the product in the field every day.  The initial feedback from the solar installer market has been great, too.

Now the real work begins — making sure we support all the stakeholders as the program ramps up.  We’ll add updates to this space in a few months!

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